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Great News!
Vernon Howard eTalks,
eBooks and eBooklets
     Vernon Howard's talks are available for download in the mp3 Pro® format. You can also purchase all the books and  booklets in the .epub or .mobi format. There are 18 books and 21 booklets now available.
eTalks eBooks eBooklets

Powerful Books by Vernon Howard

“Vernon Howard is probably the clearest writer on these subjects in the English language.”

— Human Behavior Magazine

For a sample quote from each of the books click on book cover.

Rediscover the powerful truths contained in 12 beautiful new editions below.
Larger print … Brighter pages … More contrast … Easier to read
(To see which ones are the new titles check the previous titles toward the middle of this page at 25% off.)

Mystic PathThe Mystic Path
to Cosmic Power
Vernon Howard’s
classic bestseller. Over
1 million copies sold.
For more details
              $12Add to Cart

Psycho-PictographyPsycho- Pictography
Ability to create mental pictures that harmonize with spiritual laws.
For more details
              $14Add to Cart

A Treasury of TruenessA Treasury
of Trueness
Gems of wisdom given
by Vernon Howard over
a 20-year period.
For more details
            $12 $10Add to Cart

SupermindThe Power of
Your Supermind
Esoteric wisdom and
step-by-step guides
toward a higher life.
For more details
              $16Add to Cart

Secrets for Higher SuccessSecrets for
Higher Success
Its 72 short stories
will lead you to a
higher place within.
For more details
              $15Add to Cart

Your Power of Natural KnowingYour Power of
Natural Knowing
Precise methods
for awakening hidden
knowledge within.
For more details
            $14Add to Cart

There is a Way OutThere is a
Way Out
Open it anywhere and
you will find answers
you have been looking
for all your life.
For more details
               $9Add to Cart

700 Inspiring Guides to a New Life700 Inspiring
Guides to a
New Life

700 key principles that
exist at the heart of
true inner-development.
For more details
               $12Add to Cart

Power of EsotericsThe Power
of Esoterics

144 teaching stories
with explanations that
bring hidden and bright
connections to light.
For more details
               $12Add to Cart

Cosmic CommandCosmic Command
2252 powerful facts to
lead you to permanent
command over daily
difficulties or events.
For more details
              $12Add to Cart

Esoteric Mind PowerEsoteric
Mind Power

A summary of truths
uncovered by the
great minds of all time.
For more details
              $12Add to Cart

Treasury of Positive AnswersTreasury of
Positive Answers
Offers 760 questions
and answers to guide
you to the Higher Life.
For more details
                $12Add to Cart

Solved - The Mystery of LifeSolved
The Mystery
of Life

Learn how to release a
cosmic power within,
which will protect you.
For more details
             $15Add to Cart

Esoteric EncyclopediaEsoteric
Encyclopedia of

Eternal Knowledge

An encyclopedic A to Z
course in true esoteric
knowledge. (254 pages)
For more details
             $16Add to Cart

Pathways to Perfect LivingPathways to
Perfect Living

Case histories of men
and women who found a 3rd Way of Thinking.
For more details
               $15Add to Cart

The Mystic Masters SpeakThe Mystic Masters Speak
Authentic answers from
enlightened masters.
An invaluable resource.
For more details
              $15Add to Cart

Inspire YourselfInspire Yourself
Illustrative stories with
a penetrating parable
offering facts to obtain
endless inner riches.
For more details
               $12Add to Cart

1500 Ways to Escape1500 Ways to
Escape the
Human Jungle

The clearest, most on-
target Higher Thoughts
you will ever read.
For more details


Add to Cart

All the above books are available as eBooks.

The Power of Your Supermind is also available in Spanish for $8
El Poder de su SupermenteAdd to Cart

Previous Editions — 25% Off or more

With Larger print … Brighter pages … More contrast … Easier to read

MP 2014 DDPrevious Edition — 25% Off
The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power
Vernon Howard’s classic bestseller. Over 1 million copies sold. Packed with rare and practical answers for living.
                              $12 $9
               Add to Cart

SupermindPrevious Edition — 33% Off The Power of Your Supermind
Esoteric wisdom and step-by-step guides toward a higher life. Discover answers to baffling questions.
                             $15 $10
Add to Cart

Your Power of Natural KnowingYour Power of Natural Knowing
This book will reveal precise methods for awakening intuitive knowledge already existing within you.
For more details
                         $11 $8.25
               Add to Cart

700 Inspiring Guides to a New Life700 Inspiring Guides to a New Life
The stories and similes in this book contain dynamic principles for revaling a totally new world for you.
For more details
                           $9 $6.75
Add to Cart

Power of EsotericsThe Power of Esoterics
Each of the 144 teaching stories is followed by seven sentences that bring powerful connections to light.
For more details
                            $12 $9
              Add to Cart

Cosmic CommandCosmic Command
2252 powerful facts to lead you to permanent command over daily difficulties or events.
For more details
                          $10 $7.50
              Add to Cart

Esoteric Mind PowerEsoteric Mind Power
Valuable principles explain how to practice self-observation and what it means to be conscious.
For more details
                           $11 $8.25
Add to Cart

Treasury of Positive AnswersTreasury of Positive Answers
This book offers 760 questions and answers to guide students to the Higher Life.
For more details
                           $9 $6.75
Add to Cart

700 Inspiring Guides to a New LifeSolved — The Mystery of Life
You’ll learn amazing facts about evil and how to release the cosmic power within you which will keep you safe.
For more details
                          $13 $9.75
Add to Cart

Esoteric EncyclopediaEsoteric Encyclopedia of
Eternal Knowledge

This book features an encyclopedic course in true esoteric knowledge.
For more details
                        $14 $10.50
Add to Cart

Pathways to Perfect LivingPathways to Perfect Living
The ideal ‘how to’ guidebook to solve every psychological problem, such as how to live serenely in a violent world
For more details
                             $12 $9
              Add to Cart

Inspire YourselfInspire Yourself
This book is composed of delightful short stories, followed by a higher truth that will change your life.
For more details
                          $10 $7.50
              Add to Cart

15 Previous Editions — 50% Off

Much older editions with smaller print but in excellent condition.

Treasury of TruenessA Treasury
of Trueness
Gems of wisdom given
by Vernon Howard over
a 20-year period.
(260 pages)
            $12 $6Add to Cart

Secrets for Higher SuccessSecrets for
Higher Success
Its 72 short stories
will lead you to a
higher place within.
(232 pages)
             $14 $7Add to Cart

Your Power of Natural KnowingYour Power of
Natural Knowing
Precise methods
for awakening hidden
knowledge within.
(232 pages)
           $9 $4.50Add to Cart

700 Inspiring Guides700 Inspiring
Guides to a
New Life
700 key principles that
exist at the heart of
true inner-development.
           $10 $5Add to Cart

Power of EsotericsThe Power
of Esoterics
144 teaching stories
with explanations that
bring hidden and bright
connections to light.
            $12 $6Add to Cart

Cosmic CommandCosmic Command
2252 powerful facts to
lead you to permanent
command over daily
difficulties or events.
(200 pages)
            $8 $4Add to Cart

Esoteric Mind PowerEsoteric
Mind Power

A summary of truths
uncovered by the
great minds of all time.
(200 pages)
              $8 $4Add to Cart

Treasury of Positive AnswersTreasury of
Positive Answers
Offers 760 questions
and answers to guide
you to the Higher Life.
(136 pages)
           $7 $3.50Add to Cart

Solved - The Mystery of LifeSolved —
The Mystery
of Life

Learn how to release a
cosmic power within.
(304 pages)
             $10 $5Add to Cart

Esoteric EncyclopediaEsoteric
Encyclopedia of

Eternal Knowledge

An encyclopedic A to Z
course in true esoteric
knowledge.(264 pages)
           $10 $5Add to Cart

Pathways to Perfect LivingPathways to
Perfect Living

Case histories of men who found a Third Way of Thinking.
(216 pages)
             $10 $5Add to Cart

The Mystic Masters SpeakThe Mystic
Masters Speak

Authentic answers from
enlightened masters.
An invaluable resource.
(288 pages)

         $9 $4.50Add to Cart

Inspire YourselfInspire Yourself
Illustrative stories with
a penetrating parable
offering facts to obtain
endless inner riches.
(208 pages)
              $8 $4Add to Cart

1500 Ways to Escape1500 Ways to
Escape the
Human Jungle

The clearest Higher Thoughts you will ever read.
$7 $3.50Add to Cart

Secrets for Higher SuccessSecrets for
Higher Success
Its 72 short stories
will lead you to a
higher place within.
(232 pages)
$12 $6Add to Cart

Vernon Howard books make great gifts!


     “I have just finished reading The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power and all I can say is ‘WOW!’ It is definitely one of the greatest books I’ve ever read. In fact, I can’t put it down; I keep picking it up and reading sections over and over again.
    Thank you for providing such excellent materials.”

 M. J. W., Philadelphia, PA


     “Yes all of Mr. Howard’s books are marvelous, my personal collection is 90% complete. The books that were just ordered are being sent to someone that I had given an extra copy of The Power of Your Supermind, this person asked me why do I keep reading these same books over again so many times? She is now reading her copy for the third time! She asked to borrow one of my dog eared books and I thought it would be better if she dog eared her own personal copies. Keep up the great work of spreading this most important message.”

E-mail from Wayne L.


     “Thank you for the quick customer service. I recently read The Mystic Path to Cosmic Power and found it inspirational and thought-provoking. I’m looking forward to more!”

— Man via e-mail

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