New Life Foundation
Books, Booklets, Blu-rays, CDs, MP3 CDs, Downloads and much more
Vernon Howard is probably the clearest writer on these subjects in the English language.”    
— Human Behavior Magazine

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Vernon Howard eTalks,
eBooks and eBooklets
     Vernon Howard's talks are available for download in the mp3 Pro® format. You can also purchase all the books and  booklets in the .epub or .mobi format. There are 18 books and 21 booklets now available.
eTalks eBooks eBooklets

MP3 CDs — Titled Super Talks

The Best of Vernon Howard on MP3 CD
Your player must be MP3 compatible to play these.  DOWNLOADABLE FILES OF THESE TALKS

MP3 Practical ExercisesPractical Exercises for Inner Harmony                                        For more details
     The beautiful truths contained in these 6 dynamic talks can set you free and heal you. The 270 total minutes of power-packed lessons are available on either the MP3* format, where all six talks are recorded on a single CD, or on a 3-cassette tape album. You will also automatically receive a FREE companion booklet with your purchase.

C3A … MP3 CD (639MB/.624GB)$20          

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MP3 The Secret of Spiritual AwakeningThe Secret of Spiritual Awakening                                                   For more details
1. Your Treasure of Higher Pleasure
2. Truth Never Condemns You
3. Awaken to a New Dawn in Life
4. Let This Talk Awaken You
5. Secrets the Whole World Should Hear

C3B … MP3 CD (407MB/.398GB)$20

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MP3 Powerful TechniquesPowerful Techniques for Self-Rescue                                             For more details
1. How to Escape Your Noisy Mind
2. How to Be Happy with Yourself
3. How to Own Your Own Life
4. Conquer Stress While Sleeping
5. Never Again Be Blamed and Hurt

C3C … MP3 CD (419MB/.409GB)$20

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MP3 Heavenly Help Awaits YouHeavenly Help Awaits You                                                                 For more details
1. Find Heaven on Earth
2. The Help You Really Want to Find
3. Stop Hurting Yourself
4. The Miracle of a New Life
5. The Higher Teachings of Christ

C3D … MP3 CD (415MB/.406GB)$20

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MP3 The Key to Spiritual Life-HealingThe Key to Spiritual Life-Healing                                                      For more details
1. Power to Heal
2. Live with Yourself in Comfort
3. Welcome These Healing Waves
4. The Field of Diamonds
5. Take Charge!

C3E … MP3 CD (425MB/.415GB)$20

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MP3 Practical GuidesPractical Guides to Healthy Relationships                                      For more details
1. Live with True Confidence
2. Sex and Romance and You
3. What a Woman Really Wants from a Man
4. Why You Should Not Help Other People
5. Win Your Own Life Back

C3F … MP3 CD (428MB/.418GB)$20

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MP3 Let a Higher Spirit Guide YouLet a Higher Spirit Guide You                                                           For more details
1. Here is Your Highway to Home
2. A Library of Powerful Truths
3. A Special Method for Ending Troubles
4. The Secret Weapon That Guarantees Victory
5. Inspiring Interviews with Vernon Howard

C3G … MP3 CD (418MB/.408GB)$20

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MP3 Find Higher SafetyFind Higher Safety & Security                                                           For more details
A complete course in good and evil
1. The Mystery of Dracula – Part 1
2. The Mystery of Dracula – Part 2
3. Victory Over Harmful Forces – Part 1
4. Victory Over Harmful Forces – Part 2

C3H … MP3 CD (336MB/.328GB)$20

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The Esoteric Path to a New LifeThe Esoteric Path to a New Life
This beautiful MP3 CD and Guidebook is the perfect introduction to these teachings and relates some experiences during the early years of Mr. Howard’s quest for truth. It will save you years of search and struggle. (Still available in a Cassette Tape Album)
     Contents include:
      1. “Contact the Source of Permanent Power”
          (50 minutes)
      2. “Awareness is Everything” (45 minutes)
      3. “A Revealing Interview with Vernon Howard”
          (90 minutes)
      4. “The Esoteric Path to a New Life” (A 64-page booklet)

C3I … MP3 CD (136MB/.133GB) $20

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The Laws of Spiritual Development
     You must hear these nine exciting inner-development talks by world famous author and lecturer Vernon Howard. Here is the essence of the Vernon Howard teachings containing all the talks given to large audiences in Ojai, California, plus four more talks featuring wonderfully helpful parables — the best of the best.
     Discover the supreme laws upon which all true happiness is based.
The Laws of Spiritual DevelopmentContents include the following talks:
     1. “Rise to a New World Above Your Mind”
     2. “Learn How to Feel Great Every Minute”
     3. “Spiritual Springtime is Waiting for You”
     4. “Draw Your Strength From Spiritual Silence”
     5. “Powerful Secrets for Self-Awakening”
     6. “Set Sail Today for a Bright New Harbor”
     7. “Discover Your Cosmic Wonders Within”
     8. “Wake Up to a World of Perfect Safety”
     9. “The Supreme Law of Spiritual Growth”

C3J  MP3 CD (265.5MB/.259GB)$20

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Something Higher Than Ideas
     This MP3 CD is made up of all the 14 talks presently for sale on the 6 compact discs. The talks have been re-engineered for better quality sound and amplification. They are also for sale as digital downloads on the eTalks page. There are a wide variety of topics covered including: you don’t have to be afraid; how to live a carefree life; the reason you have problems; the real solution to human problems; what life is all about; you cannot think your way out; the sure cure for hidden hurts; personal happiness; to feel good be good; truth understands everything and much more.
MP3 Something HigherContents include the following talks:
     1. Something Higher Than Ideas                       
     2. The De-Idolization of Thought
     3. Our Class Aim Is to Heal Not to Hurt
     4. The Beginning of Self-Change
     5. Shocking Facts That Will Save Anyone
     6. How to Enjoy Your Life Journey
     7. End Mental Blocks and Soar Freely
     8. What to Do with Yourself Each Moment
     9. Reach the Ocean of Oneness
   10. Your Richest Investment in Life
   11. The Cosmic Governor's Pardon
   12. Pathways to Happiness
   13. The Freedom of Being Good
   14. Truth Knows What It Is Doing

C3K  MP3 CD (379MB/.379GB)$20

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The Truth About This World
     Twelve incredibly insightful talks into evil and the human predicament. Want to understand what’s really going on? Then these twelve talks will explain everything. Vernon exclaimed, “Everyone should hear these talks.” Three of the lectures are from a series given entitled, “Satan’s Sinister Secrets Exposed.” If you truly want to understand all that is going on in the world right now, this will explain it perfectly. Here are a few quotes from the 7+ hours of instructional wisdom. “When you understand, you do not fear.” “You’re bad because you’re scared.” “Isn’t it evil and wrong for a human being to be afraid?” “You can develop the power of pure sight which no evil can stand against.”
The TruthContents include the following talks:
     01 – The Devil’s Convention – 7-25-81
     02 – Equality Comes to Birdland – 7-26-81
     03 – Psychological Criminals – 9-12-82
     04 – Human Beings Are Not at All What They Appear to Be – 10-3-82
     05 – Fighting Is False Fun – 10-10-82
     06 – Ignorance Hates Knowledge – 4-17-85
     07 – The Wolves and The Sheep – 5-5-85
     08 – You Must Study Human Evil – 8-11-85
             (Satan’s Sinister Secrets Exposed Series)
09 – You Are Bad Because You Are Scared – 10-5-85
     10 – What on Earth Is Going On? – 10-12-85 AM
     11 – Escape Satan’s Clutches – 10-13-85
            (Satan’s Sinister Secrets Exposed Series)
12 – Let’s Play Fair – 11-10-85
            (Satan’s Sinister Secrets Exposed Series)

C3L  MP3 CD (418MB/.418GB)$12

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Purchase all 12 MP3 Compact Discs
#C3-AL … MP3 CDs …
Save $52
ONLY $180
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     “I am loving the MP3s!!!!
So wonderful. And so perfect in every way from the perfect message on to the design and imagery on the cover. I am so grateful for your work for New Life. I am so happy to receive Vernon’s words and spirit in yet another way (on MP3). Thanks for all you do!”

— Lady from Minnesota via e-mail


     “For many years I have struggled painfully with finding the “Right Career.” I would think that this job or that degree would finally provide fulfillment and happiness, not to mention respect from others. I’ve had many starts in various graduate programs, and I probably  couldn’t count all the job interviews I’ve been on. All this mad, blind rushing around, like a dog chasing its tail, got me nothing but more debt, greater despair and a panicky kind of confusion.
     Since I started reading Vernon Howard’s books and listening to his talks, I have begun to see how my lack of awareness has caused all this chaotic and senseless behavior. This may sound like a simple statement, but it encompasses so much! Vernon’s writings have taught me to SLOW DOWN, pay attention to myself, to “get out of my own way” and so much more.
     I am thrilled to have finally found clear, applicable ideas that are based on self- responsibility, hope and the definite result (if one works at it) of attaining a permanent source of deep empowerment.”

R. B. — Conifer, Colorado

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     * The above MP3 Compact Discs give you up to 7½ hours of listening pleasure of these beautiful higher truths. They were personally picked by Vernon Howard and originally put on what were called super cassette tapes.
You must have an MP3 player to play the above MP3 CDs. They can also be played on your PC or Mac computer by any media player. There are all sorts of combination players available on the market that play CDs/DVDs/MP3 CDs or whatever combination you prefer. They can also be played on car CD players which are MP3 compatible. Most newer model vehicles have that capability.
     Most all of the above talks are available for download. Go to eTalks to see what is available. For those who want to buy the MP3 Compact Discs to download onto an iPod or your computer here is the format that the talks have been saved in —  mp3 Pro® (FhG) (*.mp3); 80 kbps, 44100 Hz, Stereo (17:6:1), CBR  (Constant Bitrate).

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